Wednesday, February 17, 2016

An Open Letter to The Single Girl

An Open Letter to The Single Girl

 My sweet friend,

I know that things are confusing right now. It seems like everyone else is progressing forward towards their goals, and you are too- just in different areas. You have a great job. Your family isn't perfect, but they love you. Your friends are incredible. Your apartment is gorgeous. You don't like to admit it, but you still feel incomplete.

Please stop and hear this: life isn't defined by your relationship status. I know that you have listened to it before and agree, but that doesn't mean that you remember how spectacular the single you is 24 hours a day. You're especially forgetful as you scroll through your social media feeds and are met with pairs of smiling faces. But their lives aren't all smiles simply because they have a significant other. In fact, many of the people on your Instagram feed posting the very photos that make you feel lonely are just as (or sometimes more so) incomplete as you are. Remember that the couple smiling in the photo on your screen posed for that snapshot. Right before that romantic dinner, they may have gotten into the same huge argument yet again. Or afterwards, when they head home, they might struggle to come up with meaningful conversation to have together. Don't let those shiny moments fool you. They are human, just like you.

I hope you know how outrageously amazing you are. You are smart, beautiful, selfless, funny, giving, thoughtful, and so much more. You don't need to be off the market to feel validated. And I hope you don't wait until then to appreciate all that you have to offer.

Just remember: you can't give your best love to anyone unless you are giving it to yourself first. What I mean by that, is that you can't expect to be in a fulfilling relationship with someone else before you are content with who and how you are alone. You will always be looking to your significant other to fill you up and fix you, when that's not their intended purpose in your life. You need to be able to build yourself up and fill your life with love before you can expect to do those things for someone else. You can't fill an empty cup from an empty pitcher, am I right?

Long story short- I hope you take time right now to recenter and appreciate yourself. You are here on this earth for more than just to be someone's +1. I hope that you focus on finding and fulfilling that purpose soon. The people meant to be in your life always find their way in, so stop worrying about that part of your life and enjoy the rest.



  1. Single girl here! Thanks for this encouragement!

    How 2 Wear It []

  2. YAAS! "Please stop and hear this: life isn't defined by your relationship status."

  3. I don't think it's necessary to undermine someone else's happiness to feel content with your own. But other than that, I agree with you 100%!

    XO, Oksana

  4. This is perfect! Love the empty cup/ empty pitcher analogy!


  5. I so needed this, thank you so much for this post!

  6. Beautiful post that is such a great reminder!! Sending to my sister!!

    xo Ashley

  7. I loved reading this post... and trust me, I can relate. I just say "How to Be Single," and it was hilarious AND eye-opening simultaneously. Go watch it! :)

    Diary of a Debutante

  8. Wow. How incredibly touching. All so true, thank you for saying what we are all thinking!

    Sara Kate Styling

  9. This is amazing. I needed this. Thank you for this.
    The Fashionista's Diary

  10. Totally wrote a similar post a while back. It's so important to love yourself before you try to love someone else. I couldn't agree more that so many people feel as though they are defined by their relationship status, and that is SO not true!

  11. How beautiful! I loved this post Xoxo Mindy

  12. I really needed to read this today! Thank you!

  13. Wow, that was something I really needed to hear.

    xoxo Lex // LexMeetsWorld


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