Sunday, November 9, 2014

Weekend Recap

Happy Sunday! This weekend was both relaxing yet action packed! I had a really rough day at work on Friday, so I treated myself and got a bottle of Prosecco to sip on in my pjs. I snuggled on my couch in front of my first fire of the winter to catch up on some Revenge. It was a perfect way to end the week! 

prosecco, pjs
Pajamas {from Target- old, similar here}

Yesterday, I was able to sleep in and have a leisurely morning. I went to Ikea and bought a new nightstand set to put together for my bedroom. I don't know about y'all, but Ikea furniture can be so daunting to put together! The instructions are purely photos, and someone with limited assembly experience {aka me} may not know the difference between the pieces pictured. I actually got my desk from Ikea and put it together myself- which was a huge accomplishment over a several day period- and swore I would never make anything from there again. Unfortunately, I have been wanting to get nightstands and found ones that will work well {for a great price, no less!} with my current bedroom furniture. These will be a much smaller task, and I will be sure to put up a photo when they are complete! Be sure to check out my new instagram account for photos in between posts! I also found the perfect coffee table tray during a quick trip into Target. Stay tuned on future styling!

tray, target

Saturday night, I went out with some girlfriends in Reston Town Center. We ate at a fantastic restaurant called PassionFish. They had wonderful cocktails and the food was so yummy! It's bad when you get the group of us together because we L-O-V-E to get dessert. I'm not usually one to splurge for dessert when I eat out, but if everyone else is doing it I can be easily swayed. I was so full afterwards, but I can't say that I regret it one bit!

Passionfish, cocktails

passionfish, seafood

Today, I had lunch and did a little exploring with a college friend who was in town for an interview. It was SO refreshing to see her, and we had a blast strolling around Georgetown. I took her to Luke's Lobster {my go-to tourist stop} for a lobster roll, we did a little shopping on M Street, then grabbed some coffee and macarons from Paul and sat by the river catching up until it was time for her flight. It was such a fun day with great company! 

luke's lobster

What did you do this weekend? What's your favorite way to relax after a hard work week/day?


  1. Replies
    1. It absolutely was- I'm already ready for the next one!! Thanks for reading! :)


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